The biggest thief in this country today is taxation. Each year you can easily lose twenty to forty percent of your hard earned money to taxes.
The question is, When are you finally going to do something about it?
"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury..." *
Former federal judge Learned Hand of the United States Court of Appeals
When you make any purchase, be it a car, investment property, business equipment or any other large purchase; you either pay cash, lease it or finance it. You now have the property that you purchased, but where is the money you paid for it? The answer is, that it is in the hands of the seller, leasing company, bank or finance company. At Hassler/Anderson, we will show you, through the concept of Infinite Banking, how to make the same purchases, put the money for those purchases back in your own pocket, and do so in a tax advantaged manner.
You will be subject to capital gains tax if you sell your business, investment property, horse farm, or other highly appreciated assets. Depending on your domicile, this could cost you 20% to 35% of the sale price. And that is if the government does not decide to raise the taxes! Would you like to wager on that?
On a sale of $5 million, the government could take $1 million, or much more. Would you rather voluntarily give that money to the government to use as they wish, or would you rather keep the money in your pocket to use to benefit you and your family?
At Hassler/Anderson, we use a propriatary trust, and other specialized tax advantaged financial instruments to keep that money in your pocket. By using this strategy, you can shelter that money from taxes, use it for other investments, create a tax-free retirement, and ultimately leave it to your heirs tax-free.
Learn how to use the power of Other People's Money and Leveraging to supercharge your retirement. We will show you how to make your money work hard for you, and then, let other people's money work even harder to create a tax-free retirement income!
Hassler/Anderson's team of seasoned professionals will help you take advantage of OPM to make this a reality.
We’ve helped 1000’s of clients save their hard earned money by adopting tax-free strategies and avoiding unnecessary taxes